
Dear Guests,

We wel­come you to the Kloster­schenke Wel­tenburg restau­rant the Bavar­i­an way, with a heart­felt “Grüß Gott”.

It’s won­der­ful that you’ve tak­en the time to vis­it us at the Wel­tenburg Abbey.

Indulge in some free time to enjoy the beau­ty of the town, with its unfor­get­table baroque archi­tec­ture and sur­round­ing countryside.

Wel­tenburg is tru­ly a spe­cial place, one in which the artis­tic impact, the cler­i­cal and intel­lec­tu­al pow­er of the Abbey and its church meet the beau­ty of the riv­er land­scape of the Danube Gorge and the force of nature that is the Danube.

On a culi­nary lev­el, this match­less beau­ty is opti­mal­ly com­ple­ment­ed by the old­est abbey brew­ery of the world, with its pre­miered beers, and our Kloster­schenke restaurant. 

We try to pro­duce all of our prod­ucts our­selves, as far as pos­si­ble, turn­ing to region­al sup­pli­ers who, just as we do, still place great val­ue in handicraft.

And you can taste the difference!

So, savour our hos­pi­tal­i­ty, food and drink in the unique atmos­phere of this mag­i­cal place. We wel­come not only pil­grims, bicy­clists, hik­ers, day-trip­pers, cel­e­bra­tion par­ties and tour groups. In com­bi­na­tion with our guest house St. George and its bar­ri­er-free rooms and premis­es opti­mized for group sizes from 5 to 100, we offer com­pa­nies, busi­ness­es and oth­er groups the per­fect place for sem­i­nars, con­ven­tions and the like.

And yet work is still work and needs to be done.
‑ But why not do it in a very spe­cial place?

No mat­ter what leads you to Wel­tenburg — we look for­ward to wel­com­ing you!


Fur­ther infor­ma­tion is avail­able in our newslet­ter, „Wirtshaus­bladl“.