Food and drink



For he sat­is­fies the thirsty and fills 
the hun­gry with good things. (Ps. 107:9)


To our stan­dard menu

In addi­tion, we also offer vary­ing dai­ly spe­cials and chef’s recommendations

Abbey Beer

Our Wel­tenburg­er Barock Dunkel dark beer is almost as famous as its home. As long as any­one can remem­ber, vis­i­tors and locals alike have been enjoy­ing this dark brew. It is pleas­ant-tast­ing, full-bod­ied and has a sub­tle zest. 

After suf­fi­cient age­ing, it trav­els along a pipeline from the brewery’s rock cave direct­ly to the tap.

The abbey brew­ery is the old­est abbey brew­ery still in oper­a­tion in the world. In its cur­rent form, it is a tech­ni­cal gem whose dis­tinc­tive fea­tures – the abbey’s own Juras­sic spring water and an age-old brew­ing recipe in the Bene­dic­tine tra­di­tion – cul­mi­nate in out­stand­ing flavour through a per­fect pro­duc­tion process. 

Abbey Liqueur / Bitters

Wel­tenburg­er Kloster­likör (Wel­tenburg Abbey Liqueur) and Wel­tenburg­er Kloster­bit­ter (Abbey Bit­ters) – two spe­cial­i­ties in the Kloster­schenke restau­rant made accord­ing to old recipes – a spe­cial, feel-good pleasure!

Our Wel­tenburg­er Kloster­likör (Wel­tenburg Abbey Liqueur) glows in a rich, gold­en colour – pre­cious saf­fron threads from the Ori­ent are the sig­nif­i­cant ingre­di­ent. This is com­bined with cen­tau­ry, bit­ter orange peel, car­damom, nut­meg and a few more ingre­di­ents (secret recipe) – med­i­c­i­nal herbs, just as they were used for ages in the monas­te­r­i­al pharmacies.

The 42% vol­ume of alco­hol height­ens the effect of the herbs. The Kloster­likör Abbey Liqueur has a full, zesty herbal flavour and a del­i­cate sweet­ness with nuances of bit­ter orange. 

Our Wel­tenburg­er Kloster­bit­ter (Wel­tenburg Abbey Bit­ters) shim­mers in red­dish-brown, pri­mar­i­ly coloured by red san­dal­wood. Its mac­er­ate is pre­pared with cin­chona bark, gin­ger, bour­bon vanil­la, angos­tu­ra and unripe bit­ter orange – med­i­c­i­nal herbs that pro­mote diges­tion and are said to have an anti-inflam­ma­to­ry effect.

The Kloster­bit­ter Abbey Bit­ters also have 42% alco­hol, with a flavour of exot­ic spices and a del­i­cate, refresh­ing­ly bit­ter note.


Coffee and Espresso

The artist broth­ers Egid Quirin and Cos­mas Dami­an Asam adorn the prod­uct labels, their appear­ance mir­ror­ing the way they dec­o­rat­ed the abbey church with their own images. In this way, we hope that this sou­venir will make you think back fond­ly to a won­der­ful day at Wel­tenburg Abbey, with its Asam church, the Danube Gorge and one of the most beau­ti­ful beer gar­dens in Bavaria, or serve as a small present to bring a smile to your friends and acquaintances.


The espres­so we serve is a com­bi­na­tion of Ara­bi­ca beans from South and Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and top-qual­i­ty African cof­fee. Due to its strong aro­ma and hearty flavour, the mag­a­zine Der Fein­schmeck­er award­ed this unusu­al blend with the title of Best Espres­so in Germany. 



Our cof­fee is based on a bal­anced blend of Columbian cof­fee bean types. It is char­ac­ter­ized by a mild acid­i­ty, a sub­tle and del­i­cate aro­ma and a strong, round taste.


Abbey Sausage

Our deli­cious, smoked boiled sausage is made accord­ing to a tra­di­tion­al Kloster­schenke recipe by the Gier­stor­fer butch­er shop in Pfat­ter, and is very pop­u­lar among our guests.


Our Abbey Cheese

The Wel­tenburg Abbey Cheese is made today accord­ing to the Klosterschenke’s tra­di­tion­al recipe at a small alpine dairy in the All­gäu region.

This semi-hard cheese made from pas­teur­ized milk gets its pleas­ant­ly del­i­cate, spicy flavour from its red smear. It is thus con­sid­ered to be an excel­lent cheese to eat with bread, and a per­fect match for our Wel­tenburg­er beers. 


Ice Cream and Cake

Our cakes, lay­er cakes and home­made ice cream, craft­ed by our con­fec­tion­er Ger­hard Hopfin­ger, are extreme­ly pop­u­lar treats. 

He uses fresh fruits and excel­lent ingre­di­ents for his deli­cious delights.


Spe­cial­i­ties include: 

  • Cheese­cake
  • Apple strudel
  • Sweet yeast dumplings
  • Choco­late cream
  • Asam lay­er cake