Beer garden

The Showpiece of the Klosterschenke

Pos­si­bly one of the most beau­ti­ful and well-vis­it­ed beer gar­dens in Bavaria can be found in the court­yard of the baroque monastery build­ings. The old tree pop­u­la­tion, con­sist­ing of chest­nut and lin­den trees, some of which hail from the 19th cen­tu­ry, pro­vide sooth­ing shade for guests. When all of its chairs are in ser­vice, the beer gar­den can host about 1,100 guests. Such a spe­cial beer gar­den must have a spe­cial beer! Our Wel­tenburg­er Barock Dunkel is as famous as its home. Vis­i­tors and towns­peo­ple alike delight in the dark beer, which has main­tained its authen­tic flavour for gen­er­a­tions. It is based on our own Juras­sic spring water and an ancient brew­ing recipe in the Bene­dic­tine tra­di­tion. Mas­ter brew­er Lud­wig Med­er­er knows just how impor­tant such con­ti­nu­ity is. After all, the Wel­tenburg abbey brew­ery the “old­est abbey brew­ery in the world.” After a pre­cise­ly con­trolled brew­ing process, the beers are stored in our rock cave at the rear of the brew­ery build­ing until they have aged. The Wel­tenburg mas­ter brew­er can proud­ly claim that he brews one of the best beers in the world. Mul­ti­ple nation­al and inter­na­tion­al prizes speak for them­selves. The beer is fresh, only slight­ly fil­tered and not pas­teur­ized. Thus, it retains its incom­pa­ra­ble, orig­i­nal taste, which is best enjoyed in the atmos­phere of our abbey beer garden.