How to find us

Kloster­schenke Wel­tenburg is sit­u­at­ed about 1–1.5 hours from the Munich or Nurem­berg air­ports. Below are some tips on the best ways to reach us: 

You can find bus sched­ules and con­nec­tions at

You can find boat sched­ules under “Schiff­fahrt”.

By car:

From the direc­tion of Munich/Weiden:

  • A93 Take the Abens­berg exit

From the direc­tion of Nuremberg:

  • A9
  • Denk­endorf of Ingol­stadt exit

From the direc­tion of Passau:

  • A 3 to
  • A 93 Pentling exit to fed­er­al road B16 or
  • A 93 Abens­berg exit

By train:

The near­est rail­way sta­tion from the direc­tion of Ingol­stadt is the Abens­berg sta­tion. Because there is only lim­it­ed bus ser­vice, we rec­om­mend tak­ing a taxi for the 12-km trip from there. For taxi ser­vice, call: Taxi Eisler (tel.: 09443 3788) or Schier­linger Taxi (tel.: 09443 928908). It costs about €20.

The near­est rail­way sta­tion from the direc­tion of Regens­burg is Saal/Donau.

The bus will take you to Kel­heim, Wöhrd­platz. From there you can either con­tin­ue by bus or take the boat to Wel­tenburg. The taxi ser­vices MH-Kel­heim-Taxi GmbH (Tele­fon: 09441 7036690) and Koc (tel.: 09441 5252) can also bring you direct­ly to Wel­tenburg from there, about 12 km, for about €20.