The basis of a successful restaurant are the people who work in it. They and their personalities are the ones that make it all distinctive and unique.
At the core of all of our activities and services is a dynamic team. It is the heart and soul of the Klosterschenke restaurant.
Your satisfaction as our guest lies at the heart of our efforts and serves as the motivation for our daily work. While you are with us, we would like to offer you a “vacation from daily life!”
The experience of our “old-timers” and the energy of our young employees come together to form a common ground. We are proud to be able to say:
“Our team is the star of our show!’

And we see it as our duty in this day and age to foster new, up-and-coming young gastronomes. That is why we enjoy training young people. Gastronomy provides a multifaceted spectrum of careers, offering several training and advanced training opportunities for our apprentices – true to the motto:
If you are good at gastronomy, you’ll never be unemployed!