
Klosterschenke Weltenburg Restaurant — 
A restaurant with a very long history

For ages, monas­ter­ies have been equipped to cater to guests, pil­grims, crafts­peo­ple and vis­i­tors. Sit­u­at­ed at the mag­nif­i­cent nat­ur­al spec­ta­cle of the Danube Gorge along the so-called Wel­tenburg Nar­rows, the abbey at Wel­tenburg also pro­vid­ed Danube fish­er­men and skip­pers with the oppor­tu­ni­ty of a meal and lodg­ing. How­ev­er, the first licence for a pub­lic house and restau­rant was not applied for until 1826, a time when the monastery had been sec­u­lar­ized. When the Bene­dic­tine monks were able to buy back the brew­ery and restau­rant in 1846, they ran their own restau­rant until 1875. Sub­se­quent­ly, the Kloster­schenke restau­rant was ini­tial­ly leased to innkeep­er Mr. Wim­mer. Two fur­ther lessors fol­lowed before the Röhrl fam­i­ly signed the lease to run the restau­rant in 1934. They ran the Kloster­schenke for 82 years and three gen­er­a­tions, until 2016. Since 2011, the Kloster­schenke has belonged to the Wel­tenburg­er Kloster­be­triebe GmbH, for whom Rolf Holthausen has been man­ag­ing the restau­rant since 2016.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion is avail­able in our newslet­ter, “Wirtshaus­bladl”.

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